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Add Facebook Verified Page Tick To Author Comments

Do you noticed a tick mark in some Facebook Pages like Actors, Political Leaders. Verified mark is only available for Worldwide stuff like big companies, Actors such have the chance to be faked. When we move mouse over that tick, it shows a "Verified Page" message. Do you wish to add that verified tick mark to  your (Author/Admin) comment in your blog.Here I am going to show you how to add Facebook verified Page mark to Admin comments.

Add Facebook verified Page tick to Author Comments

  • Sign In to Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Template  -> Edit HTML
  • Find .comments .comments-content and delete the following code inside it
background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-image: url();
  • And copy the following code inside it
backgroundurl("") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
  • Final code looks like the following
I hope this article will help you to customize your admin comment. Please Like and Share.

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4 ♂ If you have a problem check first the comments , maybe you will find the solution there.